Friday, June 12, 2020

Capital Investment Funding

Attention Prospect Partner,

We are a reputable firm that tailors Investment, Grants and Research Tax Credit (RTC) to suit various business and personal needs especially this period many people are suffering from the hit of the Covid-19 Pandemic, we are here to work with you.

We understand the struggles and we are dedicated towards helping you get back to your feet. However, we have gone through your history and we are willing to invest with you as someone of reputable character. We are highly interested to work with you and attract a substantial amount of Capital Return in an existing business or we can partner with you to set up a new venture on shares Equity with a potential Return on Investment (ROI).

Our group is a major player in diversified investments in the Middle-East, Africa and Europe, we believe in pursuing a genuine, legal, business goal, in which your ideas can be enhanced potentially for our mutual benefits.

As we seek new frontiers and opportunities, we look forward to work together as a team.

Please, kindly send me an email or call for further details. We look forward to hearing from you

Best regards

Dr. Lukindo Zacharia Penfon

Email or call +44-745-127-4918

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